[vorbis] fitting lots of music into 10GB with Vorbis

Benjamin Weste Pearre bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu
Fri Nov 1 15:09:22 PST 2002

Unless your PA systems are better than anything else I've heard, -q1
(about 80k/s in stereo) would probably be just about good enough!  Try
it...  of course, less compression sounds better, but Ogg doesn't seem
to generate the same annoying artifacts as MP3.  I just notice a
slight lack of clarity, rather than offensive distortion (for
reference, mp3s at 128k/s horrify me, and 160 is still annoying).

As always, the only real answer with audio is "try it and decide for

Good luck!

bwpearre at alumni.princeton.edu                 http://hebb.mit.edu/~ben

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