[vorbis] Obtaining tag-independent track uniqueness?

Tom Wadzinski orca_twadzins at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 13 04:42:38 PST 2002

>> I'm guessing that this is exactly how some of the current p2p
>> with swarming work that it is okay if different users have different
>> tags, because the songs get pieced together by swarming the
>> content and a new tag is applied to resulting file.  Audiogalaxy
>> to work this way.

>Hmm... whose tag wins?  Is it chosen randomly?  Does id3v2 trump id3v1,
>or do you get one of each?

In the isolated case of Audiogalaxy, the downloaded files always contain
just artist and title tags (both id3v1 and id3v2), even though your
local files that were scanned for upload can contain any sort of tag.
This is the compromise.  Then again, I can't be sure that they use a
similar hash scheme.  It may just say, "Okay when you are scanning your
local files for upload, here are different ways to extract artist and
title info (try filename structure, id3 tag, directory name) then match
that up with non-tag file size and use that as a swarm match."  Still,
that suggests the use of the non-metadata portion of the file.

Tom Wadzinski

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