[vorbis] OggEnc help file

Hongli Lai hongli at telekabel.nl
Tue Sep 4 13:30:07 PDT 2001

> Van: Gian-Carlo Pascutto <gcp at sjeng.org>
> Aan: vorbis at xiph.org
> Onderwerp: Re: [vorbis] OggEnc help file
> Datum: dinsdag 4 september 2001 19:49
> At 19:29 3/09/2001 +0200, you wrote:
> >LOL!
> I don't see whats so funny about this. When I tried
> to use oggenc on a Windows box some time ago I ran
> into the same problem. There's no scrollback buffer
> and 'oggenc -h | more' just doesn't work. Yes, Windows
> sucks but that doesn't mean you can just screw all
> it's users.

I can't imagine that users are too dumb to type 'oggenc music.wav'
or 'oggenc -h'.

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