[vorbis] libvorbis won't compile on LFS.

Karol Pietrzak noodlez84 at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 28 05:13:01 PST 2001

On 27 Oct 2001, volsung at asu.edu wrote:

> Really the problem (I assume you refer to bug 59) was an oversight in RPM
> syntax on our part rather than a decision to support or not support
> FHS.  :)

I'm not referring to any specific bug.  Most programs (let alone 
RedHat RPM's) install their stuff in non-FHS locations (e.g. 
/usr/man, which doesn't exist in the FHS).  Vorbis's stuff 
installs in /usr/share/man, which is the proper location.  Doing 
this keeps my FHS-complaint (SuSE 7.2) system clean.

noodlez:   Karol Pietrzak
PGP KeyID: 0x3A1446A0

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