[vorbis] Is GCC 2.95.2 also unusable?

Wilson defiler at null.net
Sat Oct 13 16:58:20 PDT 2001

I recommend a newer BK kernel.. Preferably something based on 2.4.10-ac12,
if you can find it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Philippe Tapon" <philippe at ufoh.com>
To: <vorbis at xiph.org>
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2001 6:40 PM
Subject: Re: [vorbis] Is GCC 2.95.2 also unusable?

> > > Does anyone know if GCC 2.95.2 compiles a broken oggenc?  My .ogg
> > > sound like they're being played by a CD player stuck on fast-
> > > forward. . . . And I wonder what the solution is.
> volsung at asu.edu (Stan) wrote:
> > I think the problem is not with oggenc (the compiler issue you refer to
> > generates artifacts, but not fast-forward like behavior), but rather
> > libao, the library that does audio output for ogg123.  If you are not
> > ogg123, then I'm totally wrong.
> I am using ogg123.  Well-spotted.
> > However, if you are, you would be the third Linux+Mac user to observe
> > problem.  It occurs because libao opens the audio device in non-blocking
> > and then turns blocking on after the device is open.  (There are good
> > for this, which I can explain if you care.)  However, one or more of the
> > drivers for Linux on PPC seem to be ignoring the second call in libao
> > turns the blocking flag back on.  This is a bug in the audio driver and
> > libao, however.
> Well, I'm not an über-technie--but sometimes even knowing vaguely why
> something doesn't work leads to a real solution. . . .
> > Please see http://bugs.xiph.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48 for a patch to libao
> > work around this problem.  You'll note in my explanation on Bugzilla
that I
> > want to make a configure test to check for this bug, but I don't know
how to
> > test for it, so I haven't yet.  If anyone has some good ideas let me
> > Can you tell me which kernel modules you use for sound?
> Er . . . I use a 2.2.17pre20-ben3 kernel and haven't done any kernel
> hacking.
> > Also, I would suggest
> > you contact the maintainer of the sound drivers you are using, explain
> > problem and point them at the bug page I listed above.  You can also
give them
> > my email address if they need a more detailed description of the bug.
> Thanks very very much for your answer to this query.  I will do't. . . .
> --- >8 ----
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