Is GCP affected: Re: [vorbis] RC2 worse than RC1 and Beta4

Gian-Carlo Pascutto gcp at
Wed Oct 24 04:26:47 PDT 2001

On Wed, 24 Oct 2001, Beni Cherniavksy wrote:

> On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Monty wrote:
> > rc2 *does* currently increase the real spectral noise energy at 11kHz
> > plus. This is due to point stereo not having the code to actually do
> > the correct trig when rotating phase.  It fudges it for speed and adds
> > up to a factor of sqrt(2) to each spectral line it rotates.  Many,
> > many picky people are hearing that and I'm going to do the rotation
> > correctly in rc3.
> GCP's tuned version based on rc2, isn't it?  Does the above problem affect
> it too?

No. All tuned modes avoid point and phase stereo altogether.


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