[vorbis] Decoder speed: Test on slow machine

David K. Gasaway dave at gasaway.org
Sat Oct 13 21:20:22 PDT 2001

On 13 Oct 2001 at 21:31, Maik Merten wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> today I had some time to test PeterĀ“s decoding plugin on a very
> slow machine. My setup:
>  - Pentium "classic" @ 50 MHz (underclocked!)
>  - Mainboard with Mercury Chipset (I think)
>  - CD-ROM and HDD in PIO-Mode (CPU intensive)
>  - MAD16 Soundcard (ISA slot, CPU intensive)
>  - Win95B, Winamp 2.76, Decoder Plugin 1.16 (RC 2)

For comparison, how well does this machine play MP3s?  I recall forcing WinPlay3 downmix to 
mono to play songs on my 486 DX4-100.  Of course, I suppose today's decoders are bit more 
optimized. :)

-:-:- David K. Gasaway
-:-:- XNS  : =David K Gasaway
-:-:- Email: dave at gasaway.org
-:-:- Web  : dave.gasaway.org

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