[vorbis] Slow stream opening (Was Re: Average Bitrate Calculation)

Alen Ladavac alen at croteam.com
Wed Oct 3 01:57:58 PDT 2001

> >  It is very
> > inefficient to be jumping around thousands of files to obtain the length
> > (duration) of a playlist when the length of a song could simply be
> > at the beginning of the file after encoding.
> On average, Ogg seeks three-four times at open.

While we're at it... On my testcase, it proved that opening an ogg stream
using vorbisfile takes significantly (and I mean _really_ noticeably
significantly) longer than opening an mp3 stream using amp11lib. It turns
out that the problem is in the stream's seekability. If I don't provide the
seeking callback, the thing works like a charm.
I guess it is impossible to fix that for a VBR stream, right?
(It's not like I need seeking anyway, but maybe someone will.)


Alen Ladavac, Lead Programmer, Croteam
email: alen at croteam.com    web: http://www.croteam.com

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