[vorbis] Re: Are AMDs preferable? [was: Choosing a proces

Segher Boessenkool segher at chello.nl
Tue May 29 14:57:35 PDT 2001

Joane Lispton wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Thank you for all your input; may I pose you one last question?
> If I wish to _ensure_ that I can _always_ do real-time encoding, what is the
> cheapest AMD chip I should buy?

Any Athlon will suffice; my 500MHz Athlon classic (the slotA thingy)
does nicely.
All recent K6 will do it, and even the K5 will be able to do realtime encoding
Don't expect any 486 or 386 to be able to do realtime encoding, though;
not even
the AMD ones ;-)

I suggest you get a 800/900/1G Duron or something like that.

> I really don't need "better than real-time" encoding, but I do wish to be
> sure that the CD is ripped when I am finished listening to it, so that I can
> carelessly eject it without checking if the encoder has already finished its
> job in the background... Any advice?

If you're on linux, the cd player won't eject while cdparanoia is ripping.



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