[vorbis] monty's branch test

Thomas Kirk thomas at arkena.com
Mon May 28 12:43:00 PDT 2001

On Mon, May 28, 2001 at 10:31:21PM +0200, Jonathan Gramain wrote:

> Hello!
> I tested some songs with the new code that Monty merged into the snapshot.
> It works better than the previous code ;-), but I noticed some strange
> noises made at high frequencies, even at very high bitrates : a continuous,
> high-pitched noise is added over the medium voice, and it sounds like a
> whistle. The previous code didn't do that. On the other hand, very low
> bitrates sound much better than before!
> I heard another thing : the medium frequencies seems to be distorted, as the
> high frequencies sound perfect.
> I don't have any wave or ogg file to share since I don't have room to put
> these files in.

When? Are those from today?

Venlig hilsen/Kind regards
Thomas Kirk
thomas at arkena.com

The basic idea behind malls is that they are more convenient than cities.
Cities contain streets, which are dangerous and crowded and difficult to
park in.  Malls, on the other hand, have parking lots, which are also
dangerous and crowded and difficult to park in, but -- here is the big
difference -- in mall parking lots, THERE ARE NO RULES.  You're allowed to
do anything.  You can drive as fast as you want in any direction you want.
I was once driving in a mall parking lot when my car was struck by a pickup
truck being driven backward by a squat man with a tattoo that said "Charlie"
on his forearm, who got out and explained to me, in great detail, why the
accident was my fault, his reasoning being that he was violent and muscular,
whereas I was neither.  This kind of reasoning is legally valid in mall
parking lots.
		-- Dave Barry, "Christmas Shopping: A Survivor's Guide"

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