AW: [vorbis] Are AMDs preferable? [was: Choosing a processor]

Jernej Simonèiè jernej.simoncic at
Wed May 30 11:40:13 PDT 2001

Hello fungus,

30. maj 2001, 20:21:54, you wrote:


> The CPU isn't everything though. I've just upgraded my
> computer in two stages. The first upgrade was a really
> fast hard disk, the second upgrade was from a 350mHz PII
> to a 1 gHz Athlon. I swear the hard disk upgrade made more
> difference to the general feel of the machine than the CPU
> did. I only really notice the CPU upgrade when I'm compiling,
> and I've already forgotton how slow it used to be. If I had
> to choose between the two upgrades I'd probably take the hard
> disk over the CPU. 350 mHz is perfectly good enough for editing,
> surfing, Office, etc. The hard disk will definitely make the
> apps start up faster than a new CPU will and you'll notice
> that more.

I agree with that. I just added new disk (IBM DTLA3050 40GB) to my
computer, and just set my windows swap file to be on that disk. Windows
works so much faster now...

Jernej Simoncic, jernej.simoncic at
ICQ: 26266467

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