Gregory Maxwell greg at linuxpower.cx
Sun Jan 21 11:31:08 PST 2001

On Sun, Jan 21, 2001 at 03:26:11PM +0200, Beni Cherniavsky wrote:
> Another BTW: winamp-related stuff should probably be delayed a little
> until the winamp 3 API is out.  The in/out API is a already there,
> and it seems WA3 will have a generic comment-edit GUI because the
> API includes methods to access the comments as a collection of named
> fields - seems good for us :-).

> I think WA3 will be released in less than a month, and the winamp
> community will switch fast.

.. And of course, it's primary new feature will be native vorbis support.
No? :) Why not?

Speaking of clients, whats the current state of RTP/Vorbis? Is there any
code out there? Have we decided on the best way to send the codebooks?

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