[vorbis] full circle on the text stream format

Monty xiphmont at xiph.org
Tue Aug 8 23:33:52 PDT 2000

[ Finally emerging from an e-mail blackout ]

On  7 Aug, Ralph Giles wrote:

> Otherwise, we need some specific DTDs to try out, and a set of elements
> for the RDF metadata. I didn't like Robert's recent suggestion very much,
> so I'll go work on a counter-proposal more representative of my vision.

I liked the comments that you made WRT the RDF spec -- I've updated the
spec to reflect the comments that I've received over the past few days.

Check out the updated spec here: http://www.cdindex.org/MM

> Then I'd like to see a general way of handling timestamps for display
> (should these be empty tags, containers, or both?) for display
> synchronization, and develop some example DTDs for that. I'm interested in
> subtitles/transcripts and by extension scrolling lyrics, but it would be
> good to see proposals from other quarters. My basic suggestion would be
> only that we share a tag subset for the timestamping, and that each type
> of data be encoded as a separate substream.

My new RDF spec still has support for time synced lyrics, since the MM
spec goes beyond just Ogg. There are quite a few people who would like
to see lyrics support be coupled with the MM specification and I think
this makes perfect sense. However, this does not mean that Ogg needs to
use this layout -- if Ogg chooses to place the lyrics into a seperate
stream that's cool too. We will just need to make sure that the tools
that create/edit RDF streams are capable of pulling out the time sync
data from the RDF and place it into the proper stream. Thoughts?

- --ruaok         Freezerburn! All else is only icing. -- Soul Coughing

Robert Kaye -- robert at moon.eorbit.net  http://moon.eorbit.net/~robert

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