[Vorbis-dev] Help!

R.L. Horn lists at eastcheap.org
Tue Aug 7 19:44:29 PDT 2012

On Tue, 7 Aug 2012, Liu Rui wrote:

> So I want to ask that how to avoid the gap between two ogg steam that 
> needed to write continuously in a ogg file.

Vorbis streams are, to all intents and purposes, gapless.  I suspect that 
any gaps (i.e. unwanted silences) between streams are either present in 
the PCM data presented to the encoder, or you're failing to provide 
vorbis_analysis_wrote() with a zero-length chunk of audio to indicate EOS.

Or, it's a playback problem.

The closest thing I've experienced to what you've described is a minor, 
but audible, waveform discontinuity for quality values of around 3 or 
less, and that only in some pretty pathological cases.

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