[Vorbis-dev] Multi-channel labels in Vorbis comments

R.L. Horn lists at eastcheap.org
Sat Nov 19 10:37:09 PST 2011

On Fri, 18 Nov 2011, Daniel James wrote:

> Do you know of any playback app that supports the audio output of
> oggz-merge?

Well, in the absence of anything easier, you can always use SoX:

   play -M "|oggz-rip -s SERIALA autio.ogg" \
     "|oggz-rip -s SERIALB audio.ogg" "|oggz-rip -s SERIALC audio.ogg" ...

You'll probably need to invoke the remix effect to get the channels right.

Of course, this assumes that the streams are recorded at the same sample 
rate and at least start at the same time.

For streams that aren't recorded at the same rate (or which you'd like to 
process independently for other reasons), you can even do something 
perverse like:

   play -M "|sox \"|oggz-rip -s SERIALA audio.ogg\" -p rate 48000" \
    "|sox \"|oggz-rip -s SERIALB audio.ogg\" -p rate 48000" ....

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