[Vorbis-dev] Multi-channel labels in Vorbis comments

ogg.k.ogg.k at googlemail.com ogg.k.ogg.k at googlemail.com
Fri Nov 18 16:15:35 PST 2011

> but having tried muxing a couple of .ogg files, neither vlc, audacity or
> sweep could open the interleaved file and play back both stereo streams.
> For instance, vlc reported:
> [0x7f2bb0002038] main input error: ES_OUT_RESET_PCR called
> [0x18f4338] ogg demux error: Broken Ogg stream (serialno) mismatch

This sounds a lot like you tried to mux together streams that had identical
serialnos. oggz merge ought to moan about trying to do this, maybe it does
not. serialnos should be unique within a physical stream (eg, a file), so each
component stream should have a different one. Usually, an encoder uses a
random number, which makes collisions unlikely.

> Do you know of any playback app that supports the audio output of
> oggz-merge?

Most should. Output from oggz merge should not be much different from
the output of another program which writes already muxed audio.

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