[Vorbis-dev] On merging aoTuV patches

Fabio fabio.ped at libero.it
Fri Nov 28 08:13:49 PST 2008

Soon, Firefox 3.1 and other browsers will start to support vorbis and users will increase vorbis use on the net. Most users (as most Linux distributions) are however using the reference xiph.org vorbis library which generate worse files than the aoTuV library from http://www.geocities.jp/aoyoume/aotuv/ .

According to latest discussion:
the aoTuV code should have been reviewed before merging it in the reference xiph.org library. So, is there some news on this? It would be nice to have that merged before the masses start putting vorbis file on the net for the Web 2.0 revolution.


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