[Vorbis-dev] A selection of interesting papers, thesis and courses on Audio, Music and Speech

Ian Malone ibmalone at gmail.com
Wed Nov 15 08:17:20 PST 2006

On 15/11/06, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves <justivo at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/14/06, xiphmont at xiph.org <xiphmont at xiph.org> wrote:
> > I saw it on vorbis-dev personally, I don't know if I saw it on advocacy too.
> I actually didn't mean this message, but this one [
> http://lists.xiph.org/pipermail/advocacy/2006-October/001253.html ],
> which is quite different.
> I took the liberty to start this page
> [http://wiki.xiph.org/index.php/Resources_and_papers_on_Audio%2C_Music_and_Speech
> ] in the wiki.  With some more work, it should prove useful for both
> those who are curious, and those who need more info on a specific
> issue.

I think the distribution of most of the Xiph lists is quite small.  I'm
not on advocacy, and therefore unable to check, but I'd imagine it's
one of the smaller ones.  The 'clients' for this project are likely to
be people on mailing lists for various linux distros, it's possibly
worth getting in touch with the advocacy groups for the big projects
(Fedora, Debian/Ubuntu etc.) and finding out whether mailing to
their user lists on this issue would be acceptable.

(You've also reminded me I have a bug to report to iAudio)


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