[Vorbis-dev] Where to put ported (embedded DSP) versions of Vorbis?

Brewster LaMacchia brewster at mds.com
Tue Mar 14 18:50:44 PST 2006

Hi Mike,

At 11:58 AM 3/14/2006, Michael Smith wrote:
>Assuming you're willing to make it available under the same BSD-like
>license as libvorbis and tremor, xiph would be more than happy to host
>it in our svn (and to put up some web pages for it if you want to do a
>formal 'release' version).

OK, that sounds like the logical thing to do for it.  I just wasn't 
sure as I poked around a bit and didn't see other implementations there.

>It'd probably be a good idea to have a page on the website listing
>specific vorbis ports (at least the ones that are publically/freely
>available) - interested in starting one? Alternatively, you could just
>add it as a wiki page to the xiph wiki (wiki.xiph.org).

Conceptually the wike page probably makes it easier for other so add 
information about their ports and link it all together logically?  (I 
would be a newbie to creating wiki content...)

>If you have it under a different license, then things might be
>different - but let us know what license it is, it might be acceptable

We've left the BSD like license in place.

Let me know how to proceed from here (I guess move further email 
exchanges off list?)



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