[vorbis-dev] C++, Python wrappers for libogg and libvorbis

Daniel Holth dholth at fastmail.fm
Mon Feb 16 02:30:57 PST 2004

since there's already a Python wrapper for libogg and libvorbis, it
occurred to me: Why not write a Python wrapper for libogg and libvorbis?


this is the 0.001 release.  "release early.."  it requires Boost.Python,
possibly CVS Boost.Python, available from http://boost.org/

partly because it's not finished but mostly because it's written with
boost.python, this ogg+vorbis wrapper has about six times fewer lines of
human-generated code than equivalent functionality in pyogg/pyvorbis.
it's also closer in some ways to the original C interface than
pyogg/pyvorbis. however, it takes longer to compile and the object size
is larger. (run strip on the end product)

I would appreciate feedback related to whether this early release
compiles on interested persons' UNIX-like systems.


Daniel Holth

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