[vorbis-dev] Encoding in Delphi - Help

Ori Pessach mail at oripessach.com
Sat Nov 8 10:48:01 PST 2003

Did you try turning off array bounds checking?

Crock Real wrote:
>  >Well I compared with encoder_example.c and it seems to be a good
>  >translation. I take it the Ogg file it generates does not work? Or
>  >is it just a performance problem?
> It's working, but it's very slow. That's all.
> I use audioconv unit from Matthijs Laan:
> procedure uninterleave(buffer: p_float_p_float_array; readbuffer: 
> p_signed_char_array; samples: long);
> var
>   i: long;
> begin
>   for i := 0 to samples-1 do
>   begin
>     buffer^[0]^[i] := ((readbuffer^[i*4+1] shl 8) or (readbuffer^[i*4] 
> and $ff))/32768;
>     buffer^[1]^[i] := ((readbuffer^[i*4+3] shl 8) or (readbuffer^[i*4+2] 
> and $ff))/32768;
>   end;
> end;
> procedure uninterleave_little_endian(buffer: p_float_p_float_array; 
> readbuffer: p_signed_char_array; samples: long);
> var
>   i: long;
> type
>   p_ogg_int16_array = ^t_ogg_int16_array;
>   t_ogg_int16_array = packed array[0..maxint div SizeOf(ogg_int16_t)-1] 
> of ogg_int16_t;
> begin
>   for i := 0 to samples-1 do
>   begin
>     buffer^[0]^[i] := p_ogg_int16_array(readbuffer)^[i*2]/32768;
>     buffer^[1]^[i] := p_ogg_int16_array(readbuffer)^[i*2+1]/32768;
>   end;
> end;
> I encode a pcm file (without header), and both procedures work. Why?
> Has somebody made a working encoder in delphi???????
> Could I send my prog???? It's very small (20 kbyte).
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