[vorbis-dev] application/ogg is a proposed Internet standard.

Michael Smith msmith at xiph.org
Sat Feb 1 21:45:28 PST 2003

On Wednesday 29 January 2003 08:54, Ralph Giles wrote:
> On Tuesday, January 28, 2003, at 08:17  pm, David Waite wrote:
> > Is this string terminated by a nul character? I wonder if the IANA
> > rules for registration of mime types would be suitable (vorbis and
> > perhaps theora being the primary exceptions - these could be something
> > like audio/vnd.xiph.vorbis and video/vnd.xiph.theora).
> It's not. For that matter there's nothing in the ogg spec that says it
> has to be byte aligned.

Well, we're saying it must be at the start of the first packet, which means it 
DOES have to be byte aligned. It doesn't have to be null-terminated though.


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