[vorbis-dev] Still can't compile vorbis-tools CVS

Geoff Shang gshang at uq.net.au
Thu Jul 4 16:12:37 PDT 2002


Well, configure is finding all my libraries, so I don't think that's it.
I don't seem to have libiconv installed, but that doesn't seem to have ever
been a problem.  Interestingly, the Readme says nothing about needing iconv
or gettext.

I think the problem might be with gettext.  The readme says:

intl/           GNU gettext library from gettext-0.10.40 (for i18n support)

I also had the gettext and gettext-base packages installed from Debian.
But I noticed that they were 0.10.35 which is older, and thought it might
be confusing things, so I uninstalled them and ran:

./autogen.sh --with-included-gettext

which I thought would do the trick.  Apparently not.

You must have gettext installed to compile vorbis-tools.
Install the appropriate package for your system
or get the source from one of the GNU ftp sites
e.g. ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/gettext/

o now I'm confused.  Do I need to install gettext *as well* as have the
included gettext in the vorbis-tools source?

Geoff <who stills suspects auto* stuff here>

Geoff Shang <gshang at uq.net.au>
ICQ number 43634701

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