[vorbis-dev] libvorbisrtp-0.1

Kevin Marks kmarks at apple.com
Thu Oct 18 19:29:06 PDT 2001

Sounds neat.

At 10:52 AM -0400 10/18/01, Erik Kruus wrote:
>Soon to be added:  link with libcurl to get .sdp or codebooks
>via http.

Shouldn't you get the sdp file via RTSP?

That would make QT client integration easier, and QT Player is the 
most widely distributed RTP streaming client by far.

>  Right now it just attemps fopen.  (at some point,
>probably build in a 'standard' set of codebooks into the player,
>so normal folks don't have to have the decoder do anything special
>to retrieve codebooks.  Codebook packets are checked by md5 sum)

That was essentially my suggestion for the codebook problem - put 
them in the sdp file, or define the codebook ref to have well-known 
codebooks, in the same way the JPEG packing does.

Otherwise, if you lose a codebook packet, you lose the whole file.

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