[vorbis-dev] win32 question

Jeff Squyres jsquyres at lsc.nd.edu
Mon Feb 19 13:22:25 PST 2001

On Tue, 20 Feb 2001, Michael Smith wrote:

> Not to my knowledge (it may, but it doesn't really matter). ogg123
> doesn't run (or even come close) on win32, though, so it's not a
> problem.

Good to know -- does ogg123 run on macos (besides the unix-like one)?  Or
just on POSIX-like systems?

> You can always just use FILENAME_MAX, which is ANSI C.

Good point.  But we shouldn't for the same reason that we shouldn't use
NAME_MAX -- the value can be different for different filesystems.

However, given the spirit of "get it working for beta4", and given the
rationale that if your $HOME is so long that you can't have a file named
".ogg123rc" you're hosed anyway, let's just use FILENAME_MAX.

After all, it's just being used to bound the length of the string; I think
there isn't much value of checking to ensure it's a legal length for a
filename since it's right in $HOME.

{+} Jeff Squyres
{+} squyres at cse.nd.edu
{+} Perpetual Obsessive Notre Dame Student Craving Utter Madness
{+} "I came to ND for 4 years and ended up staying for a decade"

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