[vorbis-dev] cvs changes

Jack Moffitt jack at icecast.org
Sun Sep 3 03:28:17 PDT 2000

I'm trying to clean up CVS, getting everything where it should be, because
pretty soon we're going to have to build SDK's and whatnot, and I want
that to be easy.

We're basically going to have 3 libraries:

1) libogg
2) libvorbis
3) libvorbisfile

I have separated libogg out from the rest of the code, cleaned it up, got
it doing 'make dist' and rpms and imported this into the 'ogg' module in
cvs.  I'd appreciate it if any changes made to ogg in the vorbis module
would be copied here as well until such time as the mainline vorbis stuff
reflects the changes in the branch.

Next, I have got a vorbis module that compiles and links against libogg in
'branch_jackoggsvorbis'.   It works fine, and I can compile everything in
the entire vorbis tree.  I will commit this to the postbeta2 branch once i
get blessing from Monty.  Basically vorbis assumes you have libogg
installed in teh usual places, or you can do ./configure --with-ogg=DIR to
specify somewhere special.

The next steps down this path are to clean up configure.in for vorbis
(I found some nastiness do to the ordering of statements) and make vorbis
have the rpms and dist building that libogg does.

Now, the other tools don't really belong in the library, so I've started
to pull those out as well.  A good place to start was libao, which I have
cleaned up a bit, and made into it's own module called 'ao'.  It also
builds to RPM and has 'make dist' and such niceties.  It needs a little
work (shouldn't plugins be dynamically loaded?) before I'd ship it but
it's a nice lookin' lib, Stan.  My work on this is already commited in the
'ao' module.  So you guys who are coding on this should look it over, yell
at me if need be, etc.  A few changes to ogg123 will need to be made
still, detailed below...

So that leaves vorbis-tools.  I started on vorbis-tools.  Basically my
idea is to put them in a module called 'vorbis-tools'.  Right now it looks
like this:

vorbis-tools/scripts  (this is where mp3tovorbis goes)

I will bundle these all up together into a vorbis-tools package with RPMs
and make dists as well.  I'm a bit tired to finish it up tonight.

So, please look over everything (especially if the code I've touched is
yours) and let me know what kinks need to be worked out.

Monty: I'm assuming all your tuning tools will stay in the lib dir.  That
seems to make sense...

Michael: We need to standardize how we do the MSVC stuff, and do it for

Stan: I changed some filenames in libao, and thre's more of a tree
structure now that mirrors how I did libogg. Hopefully you don't mind :)
Also, I made you a doc dir, so if you're bored, feel free to use it :)

I'm off to bed.  More of making license plates tomorrow.


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