[vorbis-dev] comment field proposal

Daniel Phillips phillips at bonn-fries.net
Sat May 13 00:43:05 PDT 2000

> UTF8 stinks for anything but Romance text, but its now so widespread in new
> systems that choosing it is a no-brainer.

More importantly, there is an awful lot of utf8 content out there, and almost
none for any of the other standards including utf16.  But I don't agree that it
stinks.  I use it a lot for chat/browsing in korean and it's perfectly fine. 
Though it isn't very well supported on Linux yet :-(

> However, I haven't seen anyone
> mention using language tags, and the possibility of having titles in multiple
> languages. The lack of this feature is a significant drawback with the
> labelling mechanisms in most existing content formats.

What if the comment fields were defined to be HTML/XML?  That way you could put
ordinary text in them - only "<" and a couple of other characters would require
special treatment.  Then language tags could be embedded (though I don't know
much about the details of this - there is certainly a way).  As a bonus, the
comment fields can look a lot cooler when you pop them up into a browser


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