[vorbis-dev] Re: De-encoding DLL?

Dimitry Andric dimitry at andric.com
Sat Jun 24 08:39:35 PDT 2000

Hash: SHA1

On 2000-06-24 at 14:25 João A Gândara wrote:

>Perhaps we should first agree on a suitable interface, ie what
>functionality to export?

There is not much to consider, you can simply expose all functions
which are publicly exported from vorbislib. These are all declared in
codec.h and vorbisfile.h (the other headers only contain types). I
put together a simple VC6 project which compiles vorbislib into a DLL
file, and produces the chaining, decoder and encoder examples, plus
the winamp plugin, all dynamically linked to that vorbis DLL.

The only thing needed for this is a .def file, which explicitly
states the functions to be exported from the DLL. No modifications to
vorbislib or any headers are required. The only thing you need to do
to dynamically link your app to vorbis.dll, is to use the generated
import library file (vorbis.lib).

If anybody wants these project files or some binaries, just let me
know; I can put them up on a site, or mail them.

I've also tried to build this with Cygwin, but I can't get vorbislib
to compile under Cygwin at the moment, due to some missing rint() and
vorbis_size32_t definitions, and other problems. Does anybody have a
fix for that?

- --
Dimitry Andric <dimitry at andric.com>
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