[vorbis-dev] The Oft Maligned comment field, initial thoughts.

David Terrell dbt at meat.net
Sat Jun 17 13:27:15 PDT 2000

On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 01:22:57PM -0700, Ralph Giles wrote:
> If I'm encoding from CD, I do want CDDBID and TRACKNUMBER fields, but
> perhaps they're insufficiently general to deserve mention in the formal
> documentation. Maybe wait and see what extensions become commonly
> accepted?

I'd rather see ISBN used as a standard identifier of "what CD this track
came from" since it's well, standard.  TRACKNUM or whatever would also
be nice.

Did the final spec ever pop up?

David Terrell   | "To increase the hype, I'm gonna release a bunch
Nebcorp PM      | of BLT variants (NetBLT, FreeBLT, BLT386, etc)
dbt at meat.net    | and create artificial rivalries."
wwn.nebcorp.com |  - Brian Sweltand (www.openblt.org)

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