[Video at Xiph] Portuguese (Brazilian) subtitles: Episode 02

Marcelo Queiroz mqz.mqz at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 05:41:05 PST 2013

> From: <video-bounces at xiph.org>
> Date: Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:23 AM
> (...)
>    Message body is too big: 57140 bytes with a limit of 40 KB

Is it possible that _all_ my previous messages have been bounced or held on
some queue because I included the subtitles in an attachment? Here are them
now in a link:


Hope it gets through this time! Meanwhile, I revised the contents and
adjusted a few minor things, so you can safely throw out the attachments
from my previous messages.



On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Marcelo Queiroz <mqz.mqz at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Monty,
> Sorry about resending this, I'm afraid it went to spam or something...
> Your new video has been popping up frequently in the last two days in the
> Brazilian mailing lists relating to computer music, sound processing, music
> and technology, etc. I believe the attached subtitles will really make a
> difference for some people.
> best,
> Marcelo
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 8:27 PM, Marcelo Queiroz <mqz.mqz at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Dear Monty (Greg copied),
>> never mind my previous e-mail, I just finished the (brazilian) portuguese
>> translation, and hope it will fit into your scheduled launch. It didn't
>> take as long as I anticipated. It will probably require a revision after a
>> watch or two, hope I can help with that as well.
>> Best,
>> Marcelo
>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 5:09 PM, Marcelo Queiroz <mqz.mqz at gmail.com>wrote:
>>> Dear Monty,
>>> congrats on another excellent video, both informative and fun to watch!
>>> I'll start the portuguese translation today, but unfortunately I'm
>>> juggling too many balls at the moment and can't promise to make it for your
>>> deadline (is it gone by already?). Well, nevertheless count me in for
>>> providing these subtitles with a few days latency.
>>> On the quality of the video proof, I suppose what I'm gonna say is
>>> already solved in the final version, but the background noise I noticed on
>>> the voice parts of the video was louder than some of the quantization noise
>>> examples we were supposed to pay attention to.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Marcelo
>>> On Mon, Feb 25, 2013 at 8:44 AM, Monty Montgomery <xiphmont at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi folks,
>>>> Sorry for the blind CC, I wanted to treat your emails with some
>>>> privacy unless you gave permission for everyone to see...
>>>> We've just completed the second big Xiph video: _Episode 02 - Digital
>>>> Show & Tell_.  This mail is going out to the people who provided or
>>>> offered to provide translations for Episode 01 to see if you're
>>>> interested in doing the same for Episode 02.  If not-- by all means,
>>>> there is no implied obligation, and I'll make a similar request of the
>>>> larger Video list once the vid is up.  But I also wanted to give you
>>>> guys first crack ahead of time if you wanted it.
>>>> The vid is going live next Tuesday.  We'd love to have what
>>>> translations we can for launch.  I realize this is short notice, only
>>>> a day and a half; if it's too short (or just too crazy), no worries--
>>>> we'll still happily accept translations later :-) The tight timing is
>>>> my fault for only having a final edit two days ago.
>>>> The timed English subtitles are here:
>>>> https://people.xiph.org/~greg/ep2_20120224a.en.vtt
>>>> (for our purposes, VTT is the same as SRT, but using '.' instead of
>>>> ',' in the time fileds)
>>>> A low-rate proof of the video is here:
>>>> http://people.xiph.org/~xiphmont/episodeII-proof-low-20130222-1.ogv
>>>> Thanks everyone, and thanks for the subtitles you provided last time
>>>> around!
>>>> Monty
>>>> Xiph.Org
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