[Video at Xiph] About "A Digital Media Primer for Geeks"

Luis Martin-Santos García lmartinsantos at webalianza.com
Mon Sep 27 11:22:16 PDT 2010

Dear Recipient,

Just a quick mail to thank you for your constant contribution to common knowledge. I'm still astonished at the degree of good will involved with Xiph and this video.

May this mail serve as an inspiration to continue the hacking. Kudos!

Best Regards.

Luis Martín-Santos García - luis at webalianza.com
Gerente  - Chief Executive Officer
Webalianza Consultoría Tecnológica - IT Consulting
Portuetxe Bidea 23 Edificio CEMEI Piso 3 Oficina 4
20018 Donostia-San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, Spain.
Tfn : +34 902 364 368 ext 2001.
Fax :  +34 943 212 920
Skype: lmartinsantos

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