[Tremor] Building Tremor with Code Composer Studio

Michael Smith mlrsmith at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 02:14:15 PDT 2005

On 7/26/05, s22088840 at tuks.co.za <s22088840 at tuks.co.za> wrote:
> Hello everyone
> I need to port Tremor to the TI C6711 DSP that is part of the C6711 DSK board
> that I'm working with.  Unfortunately I am an inexperienced student, with only
> limited experience with DSPs and no experience with the Tremor code.  I am
> assuming that although the C6711 is a floating point processor, that Tremor
> will give me a more sparing platform (in terms of memory usage at least) to
> start off with in implementing an OggVorbis decoder.

TI's c6 series DSPs aren't too hard to get code running on, as DSPs go
- though you'll probably have to do a lot of work to get really good
performance out of it. Last time I used one, the compiler (CCS) was a
real dog. On the positive side, they're pretty fast to begin with, so
getting real time performance should be trivial.

> The main problem that I would like to present to you is: which compiler options
> I should define/undefine when building the source (as I am not familiar with
> the options in the code and I cannot use the autoconfigure script) and what data
> types I should define.  My compiler obviously doesn't find "sys/types.h"
> specified in misc.c and I'm not sure that I can use the "os_types.h" file.
> Would I have to make major changes to the code and data types used, in order to
> get it working on my target platform?

You'll almost certainly need to change the contents of os_types.h, but
you shouldn't require any major code changes to get things running.
os_types just defines a bunch of data types, mostly integers of
various sizes, as a compatibility layer.  Hmm... tremor doesn't have
an os_types.h, were you thinking of config_types.h? Anyway, that's a
trivial file, you just need to define the right types - that's only a
problem if your compiler doesn't support one of them. Does CCS support
64 bit integers in any way (they needn't be particularly fast) - I
don't remember.

If your compiler doesn't support one or more of the data types being
used (basically this means 8 bit chars, 16, 32, and 64 bit ints), then
you'll need to do more work and change a fair bit of code. The c6
series are byte addressable, so the 8 bit chars are ok (note that
there's a tremor branch that doesn't require byte addressing if you
ever target a platform where those aren't supported).

> If anyone can give me any hints as to how I could go about getting the code
> working in CCS, it would be greatly appreciated!  Absolutely anything, even if
> it is just pointing out to me exactly what the Tremor ifdefs/ifndefs achieve.

If you have trouble doing this, let us know with a bit more detail
about exactly what's going wrong, and we'll do our best to help out.


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