[theora] can't demux with ogminfo / need to re-pac OGV to MKV

Jiri Navratil jiri at navratil.cz
Sun Jul 1 11:30:58 PDT 2012


I need to demux video files created with ffmpeg2theora 0.28+svn18147

I have ogminfo v1.5

and getting this error
(ogminfo.c) OGG stream 1 is of an unknown type (bad header?)
(ogminfo.c) OGG stream 2 is of an unknown type (bad header?)
(ogminfo.c) (a1/serial 1092562206) Vorbis audio (channels 2 rate 48000)

Is possible, that ogminfo is older then ffmpeg2theora ? Or what can be the reason?

oggz-info.macosx movie.ogv 
Content-Duration: 01:55:03.400

Skeleton: serialno 1092562209
	6 packets in 5 pages, 1.2 packets/page, 0.777% Ogg overhead
	Presentation-Time: 0.000
	Basetime: 0.000

Theora: serialno 1092562207
	172588 packets in 42501 pages, 4.1 packets/page, 0.526% Ogg overhead
	Theora-Version: 3.2.1
	Video-Framerate: 25.000 fps
	Video-Width: 716
	Video-Height: 572

Vorbis: serialno 1092562206
	435481 packets in 18312 pages, 23.8 packets/page, 1.443% Ogg overhead
	Audio-Samplerate: 48000 Hz
	Audio-Channels: 2

mkvmerge -o movie.mkv movie.ogv 
mkvmerge v5.6.0 ('Kenya Kane') built on Jul  1 2012 17:12:28
'movie.ogv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Ogg/OGM'.
'movie.ogv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'Theora'.
'movie.ogv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'Vorbis'.
mkvmerge(36391) malloc: *** error for object 0x7fff78ea1860: pointer being freed was not allocated
*** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Abort trap: 6

I need to re-pack my Vorbis + Theora from OGG to MKV. How I can do that, please? (I'm on Mac OS X and have Linuxes and OpenBSDs too)

Thank you,

Jiri Navratil, http://www.navratil.cz

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