[theora] HD webcam bitrate

Leo Izen leo.izen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 13:48:20 PST 2011

On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 11:19 AM, Jason Self <jason at bluehome.net> wrote:

> Tom Sparks <tom_a_sparks at yahoo.com.au> wrote ..
> > I am looking at getting a HD webcam, I am wondering what is the bitrate
> of
> them?
> >
> > Can they be used with a 12Mb/s USB ports?

USB 2.0 (which came out YEARS ago and is supported on anything more powerful
that a toaster) supports USB at 480 Megabytes a second. That is WAAAY more
that 12 Mbps. I even think USB 1.0 is faster than that.

> It depends on the camera, I suspect. Check the specs.
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