[theora] one last audio question

Jason Self jason at bluehome.net
Sun Oct 24 12:17:25 PDT 2010

Mark Edwards wrote:

> one more question - when I use the <audio /> tag in firefox, am I
> using theora or some other native firefox player?  since cortado has
> an audio-only option, i thought that maybe we we were using theora
> "audio-only" in the native <audio /> html5 firefox.

There's no such thing as Theora "audio-only" because Theora is a video
codec. You need to combine the Theora video with an audio codec
(typically Vorbis but there are other options) in order to have sound.
If you're using the audio tag whatever is playing might be Vorbis, or
some other *audio* codec, but it won't be the Theora *video* codec.

Firefox does have built-in support for both Vorbis audio & Theora video.
If your audio tag points to a file containing Vorbis audio you're
probably using Firefox's built-in decoder.
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