[theora] recommendations for web video bit rates

Silvia Pfeiffer silviapfeiffer1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 15 15:14:00 PDT 2010

On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 5:04 AM, Maik Merten <maikmerten at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On 15.03.2010 15:54, Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> Is there a vendor-neutral site for promoting Theora-playback in browsers? PlayOgg.org seems to be about promoting VLC--not in-browser Ogg playing.
>> I'd like to see a promo site that authors could point users who don't have HTML5/Theora capable browsers to while still respecting the browser choices the users have already made and without the authors having to maintain browser advice themselves. That is, if the user came to the promo site with a pre-3.5 version of Firefox, the site would show operating system-relevant instructions for upgrading to a Theora-capable version of Firefox. Similarly, users of old Chrome or Opera releases would be instructed to upgrade to new Chrome or Opera. Safari and Epiphany-WebKit users would be instructed to install a Theora decoder. IE users would get a browser ballot-like choice of Firefox, Opera and Chrome. iPhone users would have to get a message explaining why they can't play Ogg.
> Actually that's similar to what I had in mind when I registered
> html5-video.net and html5-video.de for. There's currently little content
> in a horrible design/layout (let's simply say design should be left to
> designers). So if there's a chance for a cross-vendor open-video HTML5
> advocation/tutorial site I'd be more than happy to donate those domains
> and contribute to content where I can.

And it's similar to what we discussed ogg.org should have. We actually
started discussing this at the Open Video Conference last year in June
and Mozilla was going to help with the design, but then Mozilla wasn't
able to.

If somebody starts a site, please put it into svn (or git if you
really have to) so several ppl can contribute with testing browsers on
different platforms and making sure we cover a wide range. I would
probably start with the 4 key browsers, too, but we should stop no-one
from contributing to make it work for less well adopted browsers.


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