[theora] Safari 4 Plays Theora/Vorbis

Gregory Maxwell gmaxwell at gmail.com
Fri Jun 12 05:55:24 PDT 2009

On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 8:46 AM, dos386<dos386 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> (1) They can pay royalties, or play legal-dodge ball and gain improved
>> compatibility with IE while losing compatibility with Firefox (and
>> probably opera).
> Heh ??? Can Opera 10b play Theora at all ? 10a definitely can't,
> and I don't see such a fact advertised anywhere on opera.com  :-(
> There is a years old experimental version (hacked from cca 9.52)
> that can play it  __IF__ doesn't crash just at start ... and unusably
> buggy with layout of some pages, so the Opera guys seem not that
> enthusiastic about Theora video support ...

The fact that Video was added to HTML5 is largely due to the opera
guys, and they did the first demonstration versions of it. They were
the initial proponents. They're just lagging a bit on finishing the
support. I understand that they have someone actively working on it
again, so it should be coming soon.

The point I was making is that once Opera does it will likely be
Theora only too, like Firefox.

> Also, FF3.5b4 still (?) supports Theora but on their page you can find
> a cool "video challenge" supporting WMV + MPG + MOV only, no
> Theora at all :-(

I can't find what you're talking about. Mind giving a link?  The
Mozilla folks have been really good about eating their own dogfood,
but you can't expect everything to be updated over night.

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