[theora] ffmpeg2theora 0.22 released

Michael Dale dale at ucsc.edu
Fri Oct 17 18:33:48 PDT 2008

don't forget about gstreamer ;)


dos386 wrote:
>> and the mplayer-manpage, ffmpeg and mplayer (through lavc) provide
>> native support for encdoing theora video, now.
>> Can anyone confirm this?
> NO. AFAIK MPLAYER and MENCODER still can't encode Theora, FFMPEG can.
> So we have following encoders:
> - APEG
> - VLC
> - compile my own from Lib package
>> If yes, what is the point of ffmpeg2theora?
> 1. Easy to use
> 2. Can't encode crappy proprietary codecs
> 3. Less bloated
> However, FT (both 0.22 versions) is still very buggy: undesirable
> vertical scaling, movie-begin/frame-trashing-bug, size sensitivity
> (slightly better in Thus version), problems with YUV4MPEG input,
> encoding from a bunch of frames fails ("can't decode"), silent aborts
> without telling what went wrong, ...
> Other encoders don't necessarily have those same bugs, they have other
> ones however, and the size sensitivity (try 200x100 or 320x175 ) seems
> to persist across all Theora encoders ...

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