[theora] ffmpeg2theora 0.22 released

dos386 dos386 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 18:30:53 PDT 2008

> and the mplayer-manpage, ffmpeg and mplayer (through lavc) provide
> native support for encdoing theora video, now.
> Can anyone confirm this?

NO. AFAIK MPLAYER and MENCODER still can't encode Theora, FFMPEG can.

So we have following encoders:

- compile my own from Lib package

> If yes, what is the point of ffmpeg2theora?

1. Easy to use
2. Can't encode crappy proprietary codecs
3. Less bloated

However, FT (both 0.22 versions) is still very buggy: undesirable
vertical scaling, movie-begin/frame-trashing-bug, size sensitivity
(slightly better in Thus version), problems with YUV4MPEG input,
encoding from a bunch of frames fails ("can't decode"), silent aborts
without telling what went wrong, ...

Other encoders don't necessarily have those same bugs, they have other
ones however, and the size sensitivity (try 200x100 or 320x175 ) seems
to persist across all Theora encoders ...

~~~ wow ~~~

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