[theora] Is Cortado dead?

michel memeteau michel.memeteau at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 10:04:29 PST 2008

On Feb 17, 2008 6:03 PM, Patrick Aljord <patcito at gmail.com> wrote:

> it is a pity indeed, do you know if it will be there for 3.1? I guess
> it will not be there in 3.0.x.

Let's see .... Flash player is not preinstalled on most OSes (but
frequently by OEM) , and people install it easily the first time they
meet it in a webpage.

If We had a cross platform way to automagically install it in firefox
as Flash player do, it will do the trick for theora support . But so
Far, it means install a program-plugin such as videolan that would be
distributed by firefox as Flash is today. Does anybody know the
details of firefox plugin proposed package ?

Michel memeteau
Blog 0.2 : http://memeteau.free.fr
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