[theora] C++ Linker Warnings

Marco Era marcoera at yahoo.it
Wed Apr 16 00:29:56 PDT 2008

Lee Wilson ha scritto:
> I have been trying to link to theora static libs I built with VC++ 
> 2005 from libtheora-1.0beta2 and libogg-1.1.3. I get a couple of link 
> warnings, the most significant is:
> LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib 'libcmt.lib' conflicts with use of 
> other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
Just open libtheora project and change the c library option from libcmt 
to msvcrt; this can be done from menu project > properties > 
configuration properties > C/C++ > code generation > runtime library.

Then build the libtheora project again and link your program to the 
result libraries.

Marco Era

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