[theora] XiphQT Installer for Microsoft Windows Created

Charles Iliya Krempeaux supercanadian at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 11:23:48 PDT 2007

Hey Ivo,

On 8/24/07, Ivo Emanuel Gonçalves <justivo at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 8/24/07, Charles Iliya Krempeaux <supercanadian at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Just a thought... is it possible to have the installer register all
> > the Ogg MIME types and extensions for QuickTime, so that it plays
> > using XiphQT?
> >
> > (Also... anyone know what kind of work it would take to register the
> > Ogg MIME types in Firefox for QuickTime too, so that it plays using
> > XiphQT?)
> I do not know enough about QuickTime (or Windows) to know what
> registry keys the installer should create and/or change.  If you find
> out what are the registry keys involved, post that info on the list,
> and I'll try to get it working.
> -Ivo

Does this give you enough info?

Here's something from http://www.kbcafe.com/rss/usm.html ...  it's for
RSS, but should give us some insight...

------- BEGIN -------
 Windows Registry

The following Registry entries are used to associated the
application/rss+xml Content-Type to the .rss file extension and the
.rss file extension to your application. You can override various sets
of these Registry entries to implement USM. The HKEY_CURRENT_USER
entries will override the HKEY_CLASSES entries to allow for user

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type
-------- END --------

This also seem to give some insight too...


For some examples... In my registry, under...

  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\video/quicktime

... I see 3 entries...

Name: "(Default)"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: value not set

Name: "CLSID"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: "{4063BE15-3B08-470D-A0D5-B37161CFFD69}"

Name: "Extension"
Type: "REG_SZ'
Data: ".mov"

And under...

  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\video/mp4

... I see 3 entries...

Name: "(Default)"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: value not set

Name: "CLSID"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: "{4063BE15-3B08-470D-A0D5-B37161CFFD69}"

Name: "Extension"
Type: "REG_SZ'
Data: ".mp4"

However, under...

  HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\video/mpeg

... I see 4 entries...

Name: "(Default)"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: value not set

Name: "AutoplayContentTypeHandler"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: "VideoFilesContentHandler"

Name: "CLSID"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: "{4063BE15-3B08-470D-A0D5-B37161CFFD69}"

Name: "Extension"
Type: "REG_SZ'
Data: ".mpeg"

Looking at some other stuff... under...


... i see...

Name: "(Default)"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: "QuickTime.mov"

Name: "Content Type"
Type: "REG_SZ'
Data: "video/quicktime"

And under...


... i see...

Name: "(Default)"
Type: "REG_SZ"
Data: "QuickTime.mov"

Name: "Content Type"
Type: "REG_SZ'
Data: "video/mp4"

(I can explore the other registry keys on my computer if you'd like.)

See ya

    Charles Iliya Krempeaux, B.Sc. <http://ChangeLog.ca/>

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