[theora] conference talks

Pau Amaro-Seoane all.i.pebre at gmail.com
Sat Oct 21 04:15:53 PDT 2006


I have forwarded your email to computer support.

I want free-encoded movies

Can you give me a couple of instructions/commands on how to encode raw files into
theora ogg?

I imagine the guys of comp. support have never done this. I am trying to
make a precedent for the next conferences :)



* Ralph Giles <giles at xiph.org> va escriure:

| On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 09:02:54AM +0200, Pau Amaro-Seoane wrote:
| > I am a bit puzzled... what's the difference between OGM vorbis+divx3
| > and Ogg theora? Is OGM vorbis+divx3 free software? Are files encoded
| > with OGM vorbis+divx3 smaller or larger? And can a default GNU/Linux
| > installation play OGM vorbis+divx3 files? 
| Before there was theora, people put vorbis audio and divx video together 
| into the ogg container to make OGM (for ogg movie) files. This offered 
| the space savings of vorbis over mp3 and the better streaming of ogg 
| over avi.
| However, divx is based on the MPEG-4 (H.263) video codec and as such is 
| subject to patent license fees. It's not free and cannot be played by 
| default in many linux distributions. There is FLOSS software to play 
| it, but it cannot be distributed in many jurisdictions. Since our 
| mission at Xiph is to provide open and free multimedia technology, we 
| don't encourage people to make such files now that we have the free 
| theora video codec.
| Your files are pretty big, so I imagine a theora version would be 
| comparable or better.
| > BTW how did you find out they are OGM vorbis+divx3 files?? I had no
| > idea... I asked computer support to encode the raw data into theora
| > ogg...
| I couldn't get them to pay on MacOS X with our quicktime components 
| (which don't support ogm) So I looked at the file to see why.
| They got it half right. It's Ogg, but not Ogg Theora.
| You can use http://validator.annodex.org/ to check if your files are 
| proper, if you like.
| Cheers,
|  -r

MPI Grav Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) * http://www.aei.mpg.de/~pau
+49-331-567-{tel:7168, fax:7298} * Golm, Am Mühlenberg 1, D-14476 Potsdam
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