[Theora] [Fwd: st|r|eams from latinamerica sat25]

chaser chaser at wewearbuildings.cc
Sat Mar 25 07:42:51 PST 2006

Live streams of InstallFest in Latin America

It's beens a hectic month and finally tomorrow sat25 we will be
celebrating the *2006 FLISOL* (Festival de Instalacion de Software Libre
in Latin America) a one day long installfest (/gratis installation of
free open source software/) that will blowup (MS windows rm) bits and
traces from the hard drives of a long list of people ready to get rid of
the corporative malware. Surely more than 2k are already inscribed to
give the chance to a free/libre operative system...it will certainly be
more than 2000 installs in just a day...

>100 cities >10 countries:

so, on saturday/25/06, all day long and in collaboration with the
*G.I.S.S* network /(Global Independent Stream Support)/ we will be
having online (few 5-8) video streams that will let us share
conferences, music, experiences but basically will give up more strength
to the open source movement in terms of a *Cultura Libre** and that's
basically the whole idea of bringing up together a program that goes
further than just installing free software. It will be a demo party all
around LatinAmerica based on "how-to" enjoy and share openness.

you are all warmly welcome to come and join in via irc.freenode.net
#altred to chat about the event. to watch it tune into the video streams


*command line culture
*other related info:*

hackitectura.net / wewearbuildings.cc / fadaiat.net
gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 87FD5529

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