[Theora] Other extension for Ogg Theora then "ogg"

RC rcooley at spamcop.net
Sun May 8 12:47:59 PDT 2005

On Sun, 8 May 2005 19:41:37 +0200
Ivan Popov <pin at konvalo.org> wrote:

> Essentially it is a very aged and incomplete approach to rely on file
> name suffixes, That's why protocols like http include the contents
> type specification separately from the object name.

That's funny for a few reasons.  First off, MIME type is based on the
filename on the server anyhow...  Second, MIME type is usually less
reliable than the filename suffix.  And finally, I haven't yet found a
filemanager (for Unix or Windows) that will decide what program to open
a file with, based upon it's contents rather than name.

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