[Theora] Other extension for Ogg Theora then "ogg"

RC rcooley at spamcop.net
Sun May 8 12:42:03 PDT 2005

On Sun, 8 May 2005 18:26:52 +0200
Ivan Popov <pin at konvalo.org> wrote:

> On the other side .ogg is about the same as .avi - it can contain a
> lot of things, not necessarily theora or just sound or just video.

But avi always contains video, it's practically never audio-only. 

> So imho there is nothing wrong with .ogg naming, though the contents
> type guess is impossible. As bad as with .avi where you can not guess
> by the name which of the myriads of video codecs has been used.

Yes, but you don't have AVIs played by XMMS, which doesn't also handly
video.  I think it is very importantly to at least make a distinction
between audio-only ogg files, and video ogg (ogm/ogv) files.

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