[Theora] servers available _now_ .

Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina mihamina at mail.rktmb.org
Wed Nov 10 12:40:07 PST 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-09 at 12:10, j at thing.net wrote:
> there are binary versions of ffmpeg2theora and oggfwd, 
> http://ww.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/ffmpeg2theora-0.11.linux.bin.bz2
> http://ww.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/oggfwd/oggfwd.linux.bin
> building icecast-kh you can get the sources from
> http://mediacast1.com/~karl/

Yes but I meant buiding Debian package directly :-)
It's better for upgrades and many things.

> if you have problems with building icecast-kh 
> #icecast on irc.feenode.net is a good place to look for help.


> to complete the list of possible ways to stream theora vlc
> (http://videolan.org) should not be left out.

Yes, but the client will have to install VL ... You know how non-geek
people ar lazzy ...
It's easier for them to install the Winamp Plug-in, and then watch the
stream with Winamp (my watchers are helly lazzy)

Or is it possible to watch the stream with Winamp (WA + Theora Plugin)
though it's served by VL? And peercast? I guess only the Fluendo and
Icecast-kh served stream are watchable that way ... Am I wrong ?

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