[theora] A comparison of VP3, and two MPEG-4 variants

Christoph Lampert chl at math.uni-bonn.de
Mon Mar 24 04:59:55 PST 2003

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Ole Tange wrote:

> On Mon, 24 Mar 2003, Ralph Giles wrote:
> > I've also got a lot of progressive dv footage. If there's a real need I
> > can looks for some good test clips. Most of it just suffers from not
> > being very interesting.
> It ought to be easy to render some interesting stuff using a 3D-renderer
> (E.g. POV-Ray). If we use some rendered stuff under a free license then
> anyone will be able to reproduce and verify the results. The rendered
> stuff should of course be encoded in a lossless format (or rendered on
> demand) to avoid recoding artifacts.

Renderer video is atypical for natural video. Too smooth, or too uniform
or not enough noise. I doubt that the results would be reliable. 


Christoph H. Lampert chl at math,uni-bonn,de | Diese Signature ist maschinell
Beringstr. 6, Zi. 15, 53115 Bonn, Germany | erstellt und auch ohne Unter-
Tel. (0228) 73-4708  Fax. +49 228 73-7916 | schrift wirksam.      AZ 27B/6

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