[Theora-dev] Binaries for Visual Studio.NET?

David Barrett dbarrett
Sun Aug 1 21:15:07 PDT 2004

I apologize for what's surely a common question, but the Xiph
archive-searcher seems broken, and all my other searches have come up
dry.  Anyway, my question is:

Are there any Theora binaries available for Visual Studio.NET?

Alternatively, how do I build Theora using Visual Studio.NET?  I tried
using "\win32\theora_static.dsp", but VS.NET claimed it was corrupt
and couldn't upgrade it.  Then I build my own project using all the
files in "\lib", but it had lots of Ogg dependencies.  So I tried to
build Ogg, but had the same problems.

I'm primarily interested in the last stable build (I think it's Alpha
3?), and just a lib file and some headers would be dandy.

Any help you can offer would be much appreciated.  Thanks!


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