[theora-dev] Ogg MIME types scheme

Silvia.Pfeiffer at csiro.au Silvia.Pfeiffer at csiro.au
Thu Feb 13 20:08:28 PST 2003

Hello everybody,

I hope to finish this MIME types discussion with these conclusions - 
it's taken enough bandwidth on these lists :). So here's a generic MIME 
types scheme that we all seem to be able to agree on and all that is 
needed for the moment.

1) Ogg encapsulated files:
Any data that is encapsulated in an Ogg container will us the MIME type:


(as already approved by IETF and registered by IANA)
It is up to an application to determine what media bitstreams are 
actually present in the Ogg file and to determine which decoder to use.
Current file extensions that seem to be in use are:
.ogg (for vorbis, theora), .spx (for speex) [any others?].

At this point in time there is no need to proceed onto creating more 
MIME types such as audio/ogg, video/ogg, audio/ogg-vorbis, 
video/ogg-theora or so. So let's not overly complicate things.

2) RTP media streams:
Independent of the Ogg encapsulation format are the different media 
encoding formats that have originated from Xiph.Org or joined it. Each 
one of these can be used to encode a bitstream sent over RTP. For RTP, 
there is a requirement to have a MIME type registration for the encoding 
formats as that MIME type is stored in an RTP field. Therefore, we will 
have to create things like:

audio/vorbis (as in progress)
video/theora (meaning only the encoded theora video bitstream)

As RTP carries only non-multiplexed bitstreams, this scheme works well 
with it.

I guess that covers the picture and gives us enough to work towards for 
the moment. Sorry for boring you if this was obvious to you - wasn't 
obvious for many people.


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